
Friday 24 July 2020

My Character Strengths

My Character Strengths 

What are your top 5 Character Strengths?

1. Honesty 
2. Love ( Aroha )
3. Humour 
4. Spirituality 
5. Gratitude 

Did you expect these?

1. Honesty - I did expected it to be on my top 5 list because I am always honest and people see me as someone they could count on, but I didn't expect it to be my first Character Strength. 

2. Love - I expected this to be on my top 5 list because I always care for people around me and even know I don't tell them that I do love them, I make sure that I make them feel it. I also treasure everything that they do for me. 

3. Humour - I expected this because I can easily make people laugh. People also tell me that they are always happy and in a good mood whenever they're around me which makes me feel very happy and important. 

4. Spirituality - I expected this to be in my list because I always have trust to people around. I also show respect to the people around me. If they somehow do something that makes me not want to trust them, they have to earn it back.

5. Gratitude - I expect this to be in my list because I always appreciate the little things that some people think are normal. 

Why are these important to have?

1. Honesty - Honesty is really important to have as one of your strengths because if you are not honest to people, they will not trust you on anything.

2. Love - Love is important to have because that's one of the ways where you show people that you care for them and you appreciate they're accompany.

3. Humour - Humour is important to have because if you don't have humour, people will think that you take things seriously and never have fun. 

4. Spirituality - Spirituality is important to have because if you don't believe in people around you, you will find it hard to make friends because you will think that they will just back stab you.

5. Gratitude - Gratitude is important to have because if you don't appreciate the little things and efforts that people put on to you, how can they put all they're efforts in just to make you happy and know that you will appreciate it.

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