
Monday 1 June 2020

Lock down Reflection

Hi guys, so today was my first day coming back to school after moving to level 2. For this blog post, I'm going to be talking about the interesting things that I did during lock down. I didn't really do that much things so this will be short.

For the first few weeks of lock down, I was just pretty much relaxing and also helping around the house. I was doing a lot of chores and didn't really do that much school work. During those weeks, I tried making a type of Coffee called Dalgona Coffee. It was really popular around the internet and I wanted to try it out. I looked up the Ingredients and the Method on how to do it correctly. I actually posted it here on my blog on how to do it so if you would like to try making one, just go and have a look at the blog post that I made. I still remember the first time I did it and I surprisingly did not fail. It was not as fluffy compared to the ones that you could find on the internet because I just used a Whisk instead of an Electric Mixer.

Anyways, for the few weeks before we went back to school was when I started to do some school works and going to the catch ups. I wasn't really able to finish a lot of school works because I could sometimes get easily distracted but I still managed to get some done.

Well that was what I pretty much did during lock down. Anyways, thank you guys for reading this Blog post. Bye and remember to stay safe!

Late Post!

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