
Tuesday 30 June 2020

Vanilla Cupcakes / Kiwi Baker - Home Economics

Vanilla Cupcakes

Last week for Home Economics, we made some Vanilla Cupcakes and it was a part of our assessment. We were in the same group but the teacher added another person into the group so that made us a group of five while the others were only in a group of four. I was also the leader of the group. 

To be able to manage our time, I have assigned some people from my group to get some certain Ingredients and to do some certain methods. Here is the list of our group and the things that we had to do:

Vann - Vanilla Essence, Baking Powder - Method 3 - Method 10

Lars - Butter, Milk - Method 1 - Method 6 - 
Elisha Mae - Sugar - Method 2 - Method 8
Janel - Plain Flour - Method 4 - Method 7 - Method 11
Minseo - Eggs - Method 5 - Method 9 

Vann: Will get the 1 t Vanilla Essence and 2 t Baking Powder. He will also do both method 3 and 10. 

Lars: Will get the butter and the milk. He will also do both method 1 and 6.

Elisha Mae: Will get the sugar, she will do method 2 and 8.

Janel: Will get the plain flour, she will do method 4, 7 and 11. She will also help Minseo with the folding. 

Minseo: Will get the eggs and do method 5 as well as method 9 with Janel’s help. 

Estimated time is 30 minutes

Once the lesson finished, I got to taste the cupcake. The taste of the icing was a little too sweet but the cake had a really balanced taste to it. It wasn't too sweet nor tasteless. The cupcake was on the crunchier side which I liked. I also got a feedback from my mum who was my stake holder.

She said that the icing was also a bit sweet but the cupcake itself tasted really good.  


  • 125g margarine/ butter
  • 3/4 c sugar ( if you don't have a 3/4 cup, just use the 1/4 cup one three times or use the 1/2 and 1/4 cup one)
  • 1 t vanilla essence
  • 2 eggs (Size 7)
  • 1 1/2 c plain flour
  • 2 t baking powder
  • 1/2 c milk
  1. Cream margarine in a large bowl. Use a wooden spoon.
  2. Add sugar and continue creaming until light and fluffy in texture.
  3. Add vanilla essence and beat briefly.
  4. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after you have added each egg.
  5. Sift flour and baking powder onto a large plate.
  6. Using a rubber scraper, scrape all the mixture in the wooden spoon.
  7. Add 1/3 sifted flour/ baking powder mix and fold in half the milk using the rubber scraper.
  8. Repeat step 7 for the next 1/3 flour mix and the rest of the milk. Do not over mix.
  9.  Add the last of the flour and gently fold this into the cake batter.
  10. Carefully spoon the cake batter evenly in the 12 paper cases.
  11. baked at 180 degrees for 7 minutes then turn oven to fan bake for a further 6-8 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Janel. You have covered all aspects of the baking task. I like your photos and your evaluations. Maybe a little icing sugar in the icing would lessen the sweetness or try flavouring it with lemon.


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